414 W. 1st Avenue, Milan, IllinoisLatitude:
41.46° N / Longitude: 90.57° W /
Elevation: 604 Feet

We are located in the red brick and gray building on
the southwest corner of West 1st Avenue and West 4th Street.
Eureka Lodge is on the second floor and our main entrance
is on the north side of the building.
Our Stated Meetings are on the first
Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM. We meet nearly every
other Tuesday evening, also at 7:00 PM, for degree work, rod and
ritual practice and fellowship. To see what we're doing this month, click on "Calendar"
in the left-hand column. Visiting brethren are always very welcome. |
Comments? More information? Please contact us.
John David Glidewell,
Lodge Secretary
Mail may be addressed to: |
Eureka Lodge No. 69 PO Box 297 Milan, IL - 61264 |